Sjak sminggu bkk skul, x bkk pon blogger ni.. fb ngn twitter pon bkk dgn hp ja.. x rndu pon actually.. tp, skg ni tgh boring, so bkk ja lah...
Today is Friday! Msa tgh mnaip ni pkul 9.30 am.. Yeah great! I need to go to chemistry tuition at 10.30 am.. Just an hour to go!! Hate tuition!! :'(
Sminggu bkk skul ni, dah dpt dh smua result exam. & resultnya mmg trok gla3... sdeh sgt2.. :(
Markah exam & gred dia (my skul pnya gred)
BM - 78% (B+)
BI - 82% (A-)
Modern Mathematics - 94% (A+)
Biology - 67% (C+)
Chemistry - 80% (A-)
Physics - 60% (C)
Additional Mathematics - 43% :P (Fail!!)
Sejarah - 34% :P (Fail!!)
Agama Islam - 64% (C)
Prinsip Perakaunan - 61% (C)
Overall, 1A+, 2A-, 1B+, 1C+, 3C, 2FAIL!
Thanks Sejarah & Addmath, I'm starting to "LOVE" u guys.. :'(
Jumaat, 25 Mac 2011
Selasa, 15 Mac 2011
Zarif, Zafri, Zafran (the 3 brothers)
Photos of the 3 lovely nephews of me.. Taken by my bro's camera (edited by him as well)
Muhammad Zarif Haziq - Born in Manchester, England - 2 July 2003 (same date as Ateh dia)
Muhammad Zafri Haziq - Born in Jitra, Kedah - 7 January 2005 (8 days b4 my birth date)
Muhammad Zafran Haziq - Born in Manchester, England - 24 November 2007
Muhammad Zarif Haziq - Born in Manchester, England - 2 July 2003 (same date as Ateh dia)
Muhammad Zafri Haziq - Born in Jitra, Kedah - 7 January 2005 (8 days b4 my birth date)
Muhammad Zafran Haziq - Born in Manchester, England - 24 November 2007
Ahad, 13 Mac 2011
The Excitement :DD
The 3 kids are back!! huhu.. diorang balik sp dgn mama & abah diorang hari Jumaat lepas.. I was so excited to see them!!
Si besar Zarif byk bercerita tntg kartun, robot, transformer, dinosour, bakugon, football, etc.. Like I care la kan psl smua tu.. langsung x trmasuk dlm senarai my favourite things~~
Si underweight Zafri plak x habes2 dgn mrajuk dia.. & also dia pnya slank english Britain yg still pekat smpi skang.. Nasib baik paham la jgk apa dia kata..
Si kecik Zafran plak mulanya malu2.. pastu lama2 dh ok and dh bleh panggil me "acu".. I miss being called like that.. :DD
One more thing that excite me was I got my PMR present already!! It's HTC Legend!! Although I don't get the HTC Aria that I really wanted badly, but, it's ok.. Wlupun bntuk HTC Legend ni a bit weird & kurang mnarik like HTC Aria, tp, Htc Legend is better since kulit dia dperbuat drpd aluminum which is good sbb bila jtuh, x sng pecah.. HTC Aria byk komen ckp cepat pecah screen dia bila jatuh cket & battery life yg sgt weak.. Hurm.. lumayan jgk isn't it?? huhu..

My old phone, Samsung Tocco Lite S5230 (Lite Pink)

My new handphone, HTC Legend
Khamis, 10 Mac 2011
Hari ni
OK. Hari ni mmg tersgtlah memenatkan.. Pgi td pi skul lmbt, janji ngn Syifaa jmpa kt krusi batu tu, tgk2 dia dh pi kantin dulu sbb lmbt sgt... I waited for her for 10 minutes tp tgk2 dia dh msk dlm dlu.. Frust cket ja.. Tp, dimaafkan jgk.. Then, b4 merentas desa, hujan turun! haha.. syok men hujan.. Ingt merentas desa batal dah, tgk2 hujan berhenti pnya cpt.. Terbantut sembang2 korea ngn Syifaa.. =.=
Merentas desa td more to jalan ja.. X larat nk lari.. haha.. Mula2 jln ngn Syifaa, Anis & Rabiatul, tp, kt tba2 depa pecut.. so, dok ngn Nabilah ja la.. Jalan sama2.. Syok jalan!! :DD
Then, berlatih plak drama BI dri pkul 12.15 tgh hari smpi pkul 1.30.. 1.30 - 2.00 smbang ja.. haha.. Apapon, hari ni ok la.. penat tp syok sbb mlm ni xyah pi tuisyen..
Anyway, skg ni tgh dok boh tag terima kasih kt coklat utk bg msa knduri kakchik lusa.. woot woot!! I'm going to be the pembagi coklat.. suka!!
Rabu, 2 Mac 2011
Colours Of Life
This world is too full with variety of people.. Some are crazy, some are shy, some are cute/pretty/handsome, some are kind, some are fashionista, some are smart, some are intelligent, etc.. There's a lot of different world between these people too, like the VIP world in some of them, the poor and strive-hard-to-live world, the glamorous world, etc.. Haha.. So many excitement if we can go along all of these path of roads.. :)
BTW, actually I'm so sad that Dream High has finished its last episode last Tuesday.. How heartbreaking!! :'(
I got a lot moral values from this drama.. Like never give up ever & ever, you can achieve your dream if you really want to.. huhu.. Yeah, I got a big dream that I really want to achieve.. I really wish to be a pharmacist. Or maybe a nurse.. But, I'm more to pharmacist.. Actually, there's a reason behind my big dream.. I got "resdung" which need medicine all the time.. If I become a pharmacist, I can get the medicine straight away.. Easier for me, isn't it?? Haha.. But, that is it.. It's my biggest dream that I have ever had.. I used to think that being a doctor or teacher is very great too! But, now, no more.. I only care about being a pharmacist or a nurse.. Serious!!! Hihi.. But, one thing that is fearing me is, I need to get a really good result in Chemistry if I want to be a pharmacist.. Oh boy!!!!!! It's hard to get a really good result.. Even if I love Chemistry.. But, actually, I do love Chemistry.. :D
Anyway, kakchik is going to be a wife of my future-brother-in-law next week! I wish her the best.. Be a good wife huh!! You look beautiful in your wedding dress.. :DD
And one more thing that I will never forget, I will get my HTC Legend next week when kakchaq come back to Malaysia.. Wahhh!!! Anticipating the moment.. ;D

I just want to say, I'm stressing a lot these few days.. Lots of homeworks, stayback at school, tuition classes.. "Haih" is the only word that can come out from my mouth..
Well, I want to talk about something else too.. About today.. At school this morning, around 10.20 (rehat time!!!!!!), we got "latihan kebakaran" that really want to burn us until we "hangus trok!".. Haih.. It was such a sunny day, but, we have to be there and listen to things that we already know.. About kebakaran of course.. what else.. Such a hot day and the fact that it was upper form rehat time!! Good that I was not that hungry.. If not, oh boy.. I'll never stop "bubbling".. =.=
Oh yeah! Now, I'm in a really big problem! But, I don't know how story it.. It's too long to be shortened and too short to be longed.. Aigoo!! Ottoke???!!!!! I want to meet Farah and story all these miserable things in me to her.. Actually, this thing is not that important, but, I'm not such a cool girl who never care about something that is for sure related to me and my past mistake.. I shouldn't have done that!! How embarrassing! :'(
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