Hello! In this post I'm gonna write about my interview for IPG. What is IPG? teacher la!
Last 6 Mei, bukak fb and suddenly tgk rmi yg ckp result sapa dpt interview ipg dh kluar and so, I checked la. Tgk2 dpt. Interview 13hb Mei 2013. OK SGT MALAS NAK PI INTERVIEW TERIMA KASIH SEBAB BAGI SAYA TEMPAT YANG JAUH ---> PERLIS.
That's it. dekat Perlis. Pergi my sister's house dekat Changlun pon ambik masa 1 hour and a half. So, pergi la tido rumah kakak satu malam. The next day, around 7 o'clock (my nephews pon bru kemas beg skolah diorg), my parents and I went to the destination in Kangar, Perlis. Need to go to Arau first b4 sampai Kangar. And ternampak signboard Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis. So ckp kt parents blk nanti nk tgk sbb kot2 la x dpt memana akn pergi jgk kan Matrik yg ni. And dlm perjalanan tu jugak baru I realized that I didn't bring my pencil case. Good Ifah good.

Sampai sana around 8 o'clock kot x silap. And luckily koop diorg dah bukak, so I went to buy 2 pencils and a rubber. huh lega. And then around 8.15 everyone were told to enter the dewan to take examination (INSAK). Rasa macam university student pulak masa duduk dlm dewan tu. I think that one bukan dewan, more to macam bilik kuliah. Every single students yg kena interview hari tu kena dtg awal to take that INSAK. Overall ada 4 sessions. 1st session pukul 9.30. 2nd pukul 10.45. 3rd pukul 12. And the last session around 2 o'clock. I got the 2nd session. And then for this campus, got 4 different subjects ja yg diorg interview (4 different rooms). Room A for TESL (me la tu), Room C for Math, Room D for Science. Room B don't ask cause I dunno. hehehe. Cause stiap room terletak jauh2. x mampu nk pergi tanya diorg.
Waktu INSAK tu ada la briefing cket psl IPG ni. Diorg ckp got 80,000+ permohonan utk IPG thn ni. So, yg dpt this interview kira mmg lucky candidates. Sepupu ckp utk SPM leavers 7As ke atas je diorg ambil. For STPM/Matric/Foundation leavers I dunno. My mum jumpa ex-student dia dlu hari tu and dia ckp kakak tu dpt 4 flat utk Matric. K terror.. Dia dpt interview subject Science.
So, done with INSAK. INSAK is just a simple objective questions. Answer 135 questions in 30 minutes. And I did a mistake actually. :( Dun want to talk about it anymore.
My session started at 10.45. But around 10 I went to the room dah. And jumpa dh groupmates. For my session actually da 7 org but sorg x dtg so ended up only 6 of us. 5 girls and 1 guy. All Malays. Can't really remember their names. Yg ingt Madihah, Ruhaina and one more Abu Bakar. The other 2 girls lgsg x dtg kt kitorg and tegur b4 interview tu. So I dunno their names.
B4 masuk kitorg kena serahkan all the stuffs to them and we were given stickers with our name written on it. Mine tertulis 'Hazifah'. hehe..
Bila masuk dia briefing dlu. And then we watched the video. It was about MBMMBI (Memperkasa Bahasa Melayu Memperkukuh Bahasa Inggeris). K serius blur sgt2. They asked us to elaborate and berbincang about that video. Fully in English la since this is TESL. For other subjects baru diorg interview in BM. But, first of all, we were asked to introduce ourselves first. I sat on the 2nd chair. When it was my turn I just went blabla about my name, my age, where I'm from, which school, siblings. Just simple as that. And then, baru start discuss about the topic. At first all the girls suruh that guy ckp dulu. haha. Kesian dia. And so dia pun speaking la. Honestly I didn't think much pon. Just talk and talk. If u have any idea, just speak it out. I did quite a few points la jugak. Like "bringing the kids around the school", "enjoyable games in class", "why kids nowadays hate going to school", "english and bm are languages that you improve by practicing unlike other subjects" and blabla. I can't remember. You need to elaborate what you said of course. Can't just say a sentence and then, finish. In my group, ada 3 girls yang quite passive. Whether I was active or passive I dunno cause I can't judge myself but the other 2 (a guy and a girl) are quite ok and active.
I was the last one yang elaborate about the video. Then, the interviews (both guys) asked us to stop. And then diorg tnya favourite subjects (I said English bcoz blabla), and then they asked the only guy in my group about his participation in English drama competition. And I was like "Wow dia ni". Lepas tu dia tanya to all of us if we are accepted, willing x nak kerja kawasan pendalaman.. And, I can't remember my answer.. hehehe.. Jawab ja sesuka hati.
And lastly they wanted us to give a conclusion regarding what we think about the video we watched. So I gave my conclusion. Can't really remember what I said. Cause I just said what came into my mind. But people say what's important is you have to face the interviewers when you talk, so I face them while talking about it. And one of the interviewer smiled at me. Did I say something stupid?? And the result gonna come out sometime around 16th June. Kalau x silap la. Lambat lagi tuuu..... I must be somewhere d at the time.
Habis semua, I went to Arau and visited Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis. haha. Just lalu luar dia jer. Besar la jugak. And then my parents and I singgah makan berdekatan matrik tu. Ramai budak2 matrik kat kedai makan tu. Tgk matric card diorg. hahahaha.. Kawasan tu agak sesak la jugak. Kolej ni dia terletak dekat kawasan perumahan plus byk sekolah kat kawasan tu. And UiTM Arau pun dekat2 situ jugak.