Title tu dah tells everything kot. I'm crying!! Inside and out. Rasa scared and insecure.. As I'm writing this, it's the last night I'm here in SP before going to China. It's already 0015 on Monday now, so in a few more hours, I'm leaving SP after breakfast. Actually flight this Thursday, at 0025. But because I got some important things to do, so I'm going to KL earlier. Actually xla awal sgt, pegi Isnin, Selasa, then Rabu ni 1700 dah kena ada kat KLIA. Not much time left to enjoy my life in Malaysia as a free 18-years-old-girl. Lepas ni dah jadi student uni. Kat negara orang pulak tu.
Honestly berat hati sgt rasa. Dah la fly b4 raya haji. Sedih tau! Sedih jugak nk tinggalkan si kecik manja Zara tu. Confirmly I'm gonna super miss her. Selalu sgt manja ngn Acu dia ni, mana la Acu xkeberatan nk tinggalkan dia. Si adik Rifqy pon mesti rindu nak dengar dia merengek ngn mengeliat. Baru sebulan lebih dah mngeliat macam org besaq.. Ish3. Yang si 3Zs plk msti rindu dgn celoteh diorg bila blk SP. N then, mesti rindu masakan Mama yang forever terbaik di dunia. hihihi. Walaupun mama terror masak tp bakat tu x pulak turun kat ank bongsu dia ni. Musykil2. Maybe sbb ank bongsu ni pemalas nk masuk dapur kot. hehehe. Tp nak wat cemana, dah terbiasa. Since kecik, bila masuk dapur ja, my 3 elder sisters masing2 tolong mama buat macam2. And I was like watching around and did nothing. At the end sampai kesudah xreti2 masak. Tah macam mana nk hidup kat Beijing x tau la. Tp insyaAllah, klu dah terpaksa tu, akn masak jugak. Kebulur kang klu still pemalas.
Muhammad Rifqy Haziq b. Ibrahim (28-08-2013)
Nur Zara Qairina bt. Ibrahim (23-03-2012)
Zarif with Zara.The two cousins
Me, Zafran, Zafri, and the cutey little minnie Zara
Xde kerja bersama kanak2 riang di petang hari
Si manja
Sepetang with Zara and.... stroller
Bye my lovely family, bye my sweet home, bye my messy room, bye Sungai Petani, bye Malaysia. I will come back soon, real soon