So, hello my blog. It's been a while isn't it? Ok, actually dah lama x buka blog ni tulis because at China, you can't access blogger, youtube, facebook, etc. Kalau nak access needs freegate which is sangat lambat (ikut mood dia sometimes). So, I ended up x tulis blog selama satu semester kat China. Now I'm home! In malaysia! So, I'm gonna write something here..
Beijing Foreign Studies University / BFSU / 北京外国语大学 / BeiWai ~~ OK. Now, I wanna write about my life studying foundation kat university ni. Guess what, I'm so in love with this uni already. I love the people, the teachers, the study environment, the food (of course), everything!! Mungkin sebab dan setahun, so everything dah rasa sangat familiar and I'm happy with everything. And last 24th June 2014, I ended my foundation year. Actually patut everything ended on 26th June, but I booked my flight on the 24th morning, so my foundation year ended that day, right after the final exam on the 23rd June.

So, sekarang I wanna start with the first sem of foundation year, hurm, what can I say, that time everything rasa sangat clueless. Sebab satu, bahasa cina ni banyak sangat dia punya tones, sampai I feel like "kenapa orang diorang nak buat banyak sangat tone dalam percakapan harian ni?". actually xda la banyak sangat, 4 tones ja. Tapi, mula2 memang rasa pelik, cause I can't differentiate some of them. Tapi lama2 dah ok. Esp bila dah start learn tulisan cina itself, so that time dah macam pandai la sikit (or mungkin banyak).
Semester 1 basically proses dia, mula2 masuk kelas perkenal diri, and laoshi cakap English, cause kalau dia cakap cina, err, I don't know what will happen in the class. Then, everyone get their own chinese name. Chinese name basically laoshi yang pilih, so bila terima tu, sedap tak sedap semua macam redha ja terima. But, actually boleh ja nak tukar, semua boleh bincang with laoshi. And then mula la proses pembelajaran. Mula-mula starts with pinyin, tones everything, then baru pelan-pelan learn the chinese character. Ni semua happen during the first week here. Orientation week apa bagai xda sangat pun.

Sekolah banyak bawak pelajar-pelajar Malaysia keluar or travel. Ada a few tempat senior-senior bawak, but a few tu memang sekolah bawak. And everything dah dibayar oleh KPM / MARA etc. So, u just go and have fun. A few tempat yang sekolah bawak masa semester 1 are The Red Theatre (tengok Kung Fu Show), The Great Wall, Lao She Tea House, and lastly Sichuan. Sichuan tu salah satu negeri kat belah barat China(kalau x silap). Went there by flight. Stay for 5 days. Jalan-jalan with tourist guide. Awesome!! Makanan pun sedap! Lao She Tea House tu kedai minum teh sambil tengok performance. Teh diorang x letak gula, aduhhhh x best! Tapi lama-lama minum macam ok la..
And at the end of every semester akan ada anugerah Best Student Award. Setiap kelas dihantar 3 orang pelajar terbaik. And apart of that award, satu lagi award ialah award peningkatan for student yang throughout the semester sangat tinggi peningkatan, setiap kelas sorang laki and sorang perempuan dapat. And for semester 1, I became one of the Best Student from my class. Alhamdulilah. The other 2 are Ain (安颖) and Yana (雅楠). Untuk peningkatan dapat dekat Safiq( 逸飞) and Alia( 琳琳).And then, balik Malaysia!!! Cuti winter around 3 weeks.

Sem 2 bermula somewhere around March. Sem dua start jadi hectic. Terasa la macam student university kan. Sem 2 dah start ada kelas pilihan (pilih dua kelas tambahan between kelas "lukisan", "taichi" or "kaligrafi") and ada kelas tambahan wajib that is kelas Sejarah China. Best jugak belajar sejarah China ni. Dinasti-dinasti bagai. menarik sangat! And Sejarah ni ada exam, which makes it quite important untuk fokus dalam kelas. Kelas-kelas biasa pun dah makin susah pembelajaran. Banyak grammar yang berbelit-belit and makin banyak words and chinese character yang susah kena belajar. Xda dah relax-relax sangat macam masa sem 1. Tapi, x relax pon sebenarnya relax la jugak belajar bahasa cina. Yang penting selalu practice cakap and tulis. At the end benda tu ingat sendiri.

Sem 2 pun sekolah bawak berjalan macam selalu. Went to Beijing Botanical Garden, The Summer Palace, The Forbidden City and Shandong. Shandong ialah salah satu negeri di belah utara China (kalau x silap). Went there by train and stayed there for 3 days. Sem 2 ni pun dapat awards. Dari setiap kelas akan ada 4 students dapat Best Students Award. This time Alhamdulillah I got it again. 3 orang lagi ialah Yaa (闫妍), Ain (安颖) and Hazimin(志明). Another award ialah award student yang paling banyak membantu the whole year. And our class president Fatimah (汀兰) got it.
Last but not least ....
Bye bye Foundation year!! I'm gonna miss you. Wish me gudluck doing my degree. Starting this September..