Days just passed by without I even realized it.. Ahhh!! Just 3 days to go, and it's the end of holidays!!!! What a horrible fact! :'( Actually, few days ago, I kept on thinking when will the holidays end cause I'm too bored with the same things I kept on doing everyday.. Here's the list
- Playing around with my phone (watching k-pop videos, looking at the pictures bla bla bla)
- Watching movies on X-Treamer (Please Teach Me English, Ninja Asassin, Wild Child, Despicable Me etc)
- Writing on my blog
- Arguing with the 3 nephews of mine (+ marah-ing them everyday) :P
- Listen to songs
- Surfing the internet searching for not-so-important stuffs with this laptop kept on stucking (too many viruses I guess??)
And last but not least....... SLEEP! =.=
What a boring 2 weeks of holidays I had (except for the bottle rocket-making with Yana and the hangout with Syifaa+Anis).. That's why a few days ago I kept on thinking when will the holidays end.. But, now.... I'm so so so sad and kept wondering how ridiculously weird I were to think like that b4.. The fact that I need to take my bath early in the morning at 6 am, get in the car - 6.45 am and arrive - 7 am at school, tuition at the night, getting my mid-year-exam results, and I don't know what to write anymore.. So sad.. Awwww... :'(
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